
A simple approach to web design – Don’t make it complicated

In terms of web design, keeping it simple is the secret to success

With so many sleek and beautiful websites out there, it can be tempting to look for interesting and innovative ways to make new sites stand out.

However, over-thinking web design can be one of the first steps towards failure. In practice, site visitors are looking for readability and navigability when browsing its pages, and appreciate a degree of familiarity in terms of the site’s layout.

The web is no longer a novelty

Indeed, many websites, consciously or not, feature fairly similar layouts that internet users have become accustomed to, and it is imperative that web designers are mindful of this when drawing up a new site.

As an experienced WordPress web design agency, we have produced this short guide to help you get to grips with how to approach a website project, or how to review and make changes to your current site.

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Here are two articles from our blog:

So how can this usability be achieved?

According to Steve Krug, who wrote an endlessly helpful book entitled ‘Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability,’ the first law of usability is that the web page should be self-explanatory and obvious in its intentions.

In other words, users should be able to glean the site’s main purpose and uses within seconds, and should almost automatically know which pages they would like to navigate to on the site. As such we’ve set out a few tips to think about when designing a new site:

Create well-organised pages on your website

To achieve a self-explanatory site, organise pages in the form of a top-down design with clearly marked sections, allowing visitors to browse at their leisure without getting frustrated.

Consider your website visitors’ busy schedules

With people’s schedules more hectic than ever before, it is crucial that your web page can be navigated within seconds. Do not add any fancy graphics or introductory videos that are likely to waste someone’s time.

Make sure you have accessibility in mind

Accessibility is an incredibly important factor in designing a new website. we beg the question, why would you build a website that people simply can’t use?

Related reading: Why designing your website with accessibility in mind will save you time and money.

Make sure your content gets to the point

Placing too much verbose, unnecessary content on a site can put people off before they’ve even started navigating your site. Make sure to include only the minimum amount necessary to get your point across.

Make sure the home button is clearly marked

It is important that visitors to a site can easily navigate their way back to a home page to avoid getting lost in a maze of pages.

Most sites nowadays feature the home page icon in the top left hand corner of the site, and it may be a good idea to follow suit.

Your website’s search bar should be large and clearly marked

Users who are looking for a particular service or piece of information will automatically head for your site’s search bar. Make sure it will not take them long to find.

Ensure your colour palette is easy on the eye

Including too many vibrant colours can make for an unpleasant and even painful browsing experience. Make sure you stick to a limited palette which features complementary colours.

Looking for a web design agency?

If you need help designing your website, why not give us a call today to see how we can help?

Call us now on: 023 92 412 444

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