
SSL and Google’s New Requirements

Google Chrome and SSL requirements for websites

All of the information on the Internet is basically transferred from one location to another location in a language called HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP by itself is unprotected and susceptible to tricksters and thieves.


Therefore, a technology called SSL or Secure Sockets Layer was developed to protect the information travelling on the internet. When HTTP is being projected by SSL, it inherits the letter S, which means its secure. SSL keeps your information secure in several ways.

Data encryption

SSL keeps your information secure by encrypting your data. Let’s say that you’re in a coffee shop using Wi-Fi and you’re hit with an urge to buy something online without SSL and HTTPS. Your credit card information can be stolen because you’re on a public Wi-Fi connection and anybody using that Wi-Fi could be listening to your transaction. Without encryption, the information is transmitted as text that anyone can read. SSL and HTTPS encryption work by scrambling this information so that the only people who can read it are those with the correct decryption key.

SSL keeps you safe by identification

You are probably aware that there are sites that fish for your information. That’s when you get sent an email that asks you to click on a link and go to your bank account. When you click the link, it takes you to a site that looks exactly like your bank, but it’s not your bank. It is very important to know if a website actually is what it says it is. An SSL gives us this tool.

Google SSL requirements

Google Chrome now requires all websites to be SSL secured. The Chrome browser will protect you by trying to encrypt your information. It will ask a website for something called a certificate. The certificate is simply a way of validating that a site really is what it says it is. A legitimate company website would send their company information to a registered certification authority where the information will be verified and a certificate that’s signed by the certificate authorities will be issued and stored. For more information, contact us.

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